Montague Center Fire
28 Old Sunderland Rd
Montague, MA 01351

Join the Montague Center Volunteer Fire Dept

The Montague Center Fire Department is always looking for volunteers.

You will be joining a company with over 75 years of proud tradition in the fire service protecting and serving the communities of Montague Center and Lake Pleasant. 16 is the minimum age for joining the Montague Center Fire Department.

Get involved and help your community!

You can join one of these four memberships:


A firefighter must be age 18 years or older and interior qualified. A Firefighter should have the certifications to be interior qualified as well as experience in firefighting. He or she will ride on fire apparatus as part of a crew and provide aid and assistance the public. He or she wishing to become a firefighter is required to take some training classes before he or she can participate in all activities. You may not be a member at any other fire company in the county. You will be given a pager which alerts when there is a fire call. Pending a new active fire fighter being voted into the company a criminal background check is done. New members have a probationary period in which they can be dismissed at any time.

Apprentice Firefighter

An apprentice firefighter is a person who is over the age of 18 but not interior qualified, aka exterior firefighter. An apprentice can expect to be in a training phase and more so assist the air pack qualified firefighters with different tasks. Apprentice firefighters may take several emergency services classes. You will ride on fire apparatus and participate in fire department operations. Apprentice firefighters may not leave or miss school due to a fire department operation. You may display a red emergency light on your vehicle. The Red Light must follow Massachusetts State vehicle code and you must use it appropriately. You will be given a pager which alerts when there is a fire call. You will also be given gear at no cost to you an can expect all of your required classes to be paid for. An apprentice firefighter will be identified by a orange stripe on their ID Tag.

Junior Firefighter

An Junior firefighter is a person that is 16 or 17 years of age. An Junior firefighter can expect to be in a training phase and more so assist the air pack qualified firefighters with different tasks as well as participate in exterior firefighting operations. Junior firefighters are required to take several emergency services classes. You will ride on fire apparatus and participate in fire department operations. Junior firefighters may not leave or miss school due to a fire department operation. Junior firefighters may NOT display a red light on his or her personal vehicle. You will be given a pager which alerts when there is a fire call. You will also be given gear at no cost to you an can expect all of your required classes to be paid for . On school nights you may not run fire calls between 12am and 6am. On weekends and days you do not have school the following day it is 1am to 6 am. There is no limit on summer break. An junior firefighter will be identified by an ORANGE helmet.

Social Member

Social members participate in fund raising and community events. Social members are deeply relied on for there work in getting our company the money we need to provide our service. You may organize and set up events either at the fire house or in the community. Social members must be at least 18 years old. Social members may not ride fire apparatus nor will they participate in actual fire fighting. Social members have access to the fire house at any time for use. A social member can participate in any activity except for actual fire fighting. If the person wishing to join is not able to participate in fire department operations or has no desire to, but still would like to be a member and help the company this is for them.

The Montague Center Volunteer Fire Department is an equal opportunity provider and employer.